Business Technology Administration

campus beauty shot highlighting the Business Technology Administration objectives


The Bachelor of Arts degree in Business Technology Administration (BTA) program trains students for management positions in the growing job field of Information Systems. It is an interdisciplinary program developing practical knowledge for integration of computers, organizational processes, and people into effective and efficient systems.

Through a variety of courses such as human resources management, project management, business law, ethics, and operations management, students learn the skills to be successful managers, analysts, and administrators in many public and private organizations and fields. In addition, BTA students experience working with companies on projects that analyze systems and research solutions for implementation in small and large enterprises.

About the BTA program


The Customer
Law and Ethics
Business Leader
Market Competition


Influence the workplace
Efficiency & Productivity
Streamline decision-making
Innovative Solutions
Business Intelligence


Project Management
Human Resources
Thought Leadership Collaboration
Principles of MGMT
Planning & Organizing
Controlling Digital Savviness
Management Thinking
Digital Leaders of the Future

Program Objectives

  • Demonstrate leadership skills in business law and ethics
  • Develop management level problem-solving skills
  • Demonstrate ability to effectively use IT applications for better business decisions
  • Develop relevant business administration knowledge in state-of-the-art business models, tools and practices
  • Demonstrate evidence-based skills in business and operations management
  • Develop self-awareness and leadership skills throughout your professional career

For successful completion of the degree, all students must satisfy the general education requirements that are explained in the UMBC Undergraduate Catalog.

Requirements specific to the BTA degree are below. Course descriptions can be found in the Course Catalog.

Current Required Courses

  • IS 125 – Information Systems Logic & Structured Design OR IS 296 – Foundations of Data Science
  • IS 202 – Systems Analysis Methods
  • IS 295 – Intermediate Business Applications
  • IS 300 – Management Information Systems
  • IS 303 – Fundamentals of Human-Computer Interaction
  • IS 320 – Advanced Business Applications
  • IS 325 – Introduction to Management Science
  • IS 350 – Business Communications Systems
  • IS 438 – Project Management
  • IS 440 – Integrating Technology into Business Processes
  • IS 3xx or 4xx – Upper Level IS Elective
    (Students may not use IS 397, IS 399, IS 400, IS 467, IS 469, IS 478, IS 479, or any course being used to satisfy an IS certificate requirement.
  • MATH 155 – Applied Calculus
  • STAT 351 – Applied Statistics for Business and Economics (M)
  • ECON 101 – Principles of Microeconomics (SS)
  • ECON 102 – Principles of Macroeconomics (SS)
  • ECON 121 – Principles of Accounting I
  • ECON 122 – Principles of Accounting II
  • ENGL 393 – Technical Communication
  • MGMT 210 – The Practice of Management
  • MGMT 3xx or 4xx – Upper Level MGMT Elective
    (may not use MGMT 399, or a course being used to satisfy a certificate requirement)
  • MGMT 489 – Seminar in Management and Administration


Courses offered by the IS Department that are not part of the required BTA curriculum. Visit the Electives Page to view a complete list.

A grade of “C” or better is required in each course needed to fulfill the BA requirements.

Students in the BA in BTA program cannot declare a double major with the BS in IS program.

Minor in Management

New minor in management for the department of information systems

We are excited to announce a new opportunity for our students. The Minor in Management trains students in the skillsets and knowledge needed to manage people, projects, and organizations; relevant skills that are in high-demand. Visit our website for more information. Please contact Dr. Ravi Kuber,, for any questions about the program.